After approximately 884 coffee mornings at St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Lincoln, Peggy McCarthy and Frances O’Donnell have decided it is time to hang up their aprons, fill their last tea and coffee pots, hand over the biscuits and sausage rolls and rest their feet.
19th December was their last Wednesday so there was much thanksgiving and presenting of bouquets to them both by Pauline and Jo. The parish centre was packed to send them off in style, as can be seen from the photographs.
Since 2001 every Wednesday after the 9.30am Mass, these good ladies have served refreshments to the Parishioners while at the same time raising £34,000 for Fr Vincent’s Clean Water Project in Uganda.
These mornings have become an integral part of the social life of the Parish and we thank Peggy and Frances for their commitment and hard work over this long period in making this possible. Their welcoming smiles and Frances’ freshly baked sausage rolls cheer and gladden the heart.
Fortunately volunteers have come forward to carry on this work so we will still be able to enjoy our Wednesday mornings of chat and laughter, building wonderful relationships. But we must not forget who initiated this tradition.
Thank you, Peggy and Frances, from all at St Peter and St Paul’s, Lincoln